Standard 1: Content Knowledge
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge necessary to create, use, assess, and manage theoretical and practical applications of educational technologies and processes.


  • Creating - Candidates demonstrate the ability to create instructional materials and learning environments using a variety of systems approaches. (p. 81)
  • Using - Candidates demonstrate the ability to select and use technological resources and processes to support student learning and to enhance their pedagogy. (p. 141)
  • Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates demonstrate the ability to assess and evaluate the effective integration of appropriate technologies and instructional materials.
  • Managing - Candidates demonstrate the ability to effectively manage people, processes, physical infrastructures, and financial resources to achieve predetermined goals. (p. 178)
  • Ethics - Candidates demonstrate the contemporary professional ethics of the field as defined and developed by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (p. 284)

Artifact 1 - Vodcast

Context and Conditions
This was a group project assignment in EDET 603 - Design and Development Tools, taken in Fall Semester 2021. Skills required for this project included using the TechSmith Camtasia video creation/editing software. This project also required teamwork to plan and design the work, as well as carrying out the tasks to complete the project. The intended audience included teachers across the educational spectrum, from preschool and kindergarten to higher levels of education who are experiencing burnout and perhaps feel as though they lack skills or qualifications to transfer to other jobs.

Scope: This artifact, a video or vodcast, was one element of a larger project completed for a class within the graduate program. The complete project included a
planning document, podcast, cover art, marketing flyer and video. My group focused on the concern of possible teacher burnout and alternative career paths, based on skills that are transferrable to private industries. The purpose of our topic was to promote the health and well-being of educators. The podcast development was led by a peer, Dr. Harris. He used a podcast platform that he had previously used. On a separate occasion, the three of us within our group drafted the scripts for the video and participated in a discussion in a virtual meeting platform while recording the meeting. I took the lead in editing the video, using the TechSmith Camtasia application for video creation and editing.

My role in this project was to assist in the design of the project, as well as the development of the video and artwork for the podcast. We looked to our peer, Dr. Harris, as the subject matter expert since he had experienced a situation of burnout as an educator who used his knowledge and skills to move into a learning and development position with a private organization. I took the lead in creating the video as well as the artwork for the podcast.

Instructional Design
Though this video or vodcast falls under the category of training, and not education, we applied some elements of the Morrison, Ross and Kemp model. For example, the instructional problem that we addressed was the fact that individuals with teaching backgrounds were reportedly suffering from burn-out and the group wanted to share information about solutions or different paths that may be available for teachers wishing to leave the classroom. As we explored the learners (audience) to get context, the assignment did not require a full front-end analysis. Therefore, we determined the context based on generality. The design plan outlines the purpose and plan for instruction. When creating the video, content sequencing was considered to format the video in a logical order for understanding (Morrison et al., 2013).

Related Performance Indicator
This artifact reflects a couple of AECT standards, such as, Standard 1 - (Content Knowledge). The creation of the video demonstrated knowledge of the video editing software, as well as the instructional strategy. This video used the prescriptions for teaching attitudes, as Morrison, et al. outlines in Designing Effective Instruction. Our design intention was to model the behavior by having a subject matter expert and then develop verbal and imaginal models for the learner to grasp the information being shared (2013). The instructional designers demonstrated the knowledge necessary to create, use, assess, and manage theoretical and practical applications of educational technologies. In addition, we created instructional material using a variety of approaches (video and podcast). Also, AECT Standard 4 -- elements from this standard were also reflected with collaborative practices and teamwork since this was a joint effort.

During the creation of this project, we did not have an assessment or evaluation to test the understanding of the learning. The vodcast had valuable information for the intended audience. I am not sure how much value it would add, given the topic, but the instructional model usually suggests some type of evaluation. As I look back, one way that understanding could have been reinforced was to have a comment section under the posted video for listeners to relate and share experiences for further engagement. Or perhaps an electronic survey could go to learners to gage their comrepension and attitude toward the content. Early in the program, I didn't fully understand the importance of having an assessment tool to meausure the success of the content. But, now I have a better grasp on the concept and understand that if you don't ask learners for feedback on their understanding, then it's difficult to make improvements to enhance learning for your audience. For this to have been my second semester of classes, the quality of the work seems to be in line with the level of learning at that point. This artifact represents the standard because the group created the vodast using multiple technology tools, such as a virtual platform, audio equipment, cameras, video editing software, image editing software and graphics software. During this project, we also designed cover art. The team was able to integrate all the technolog to create a multimedia project. And finally, the project was manage well because we communicated frequently and provided each other with status updates and kept each other apprised of progress. The project was fun because all team members contributed equally, and all were engaged in the design and development.

Artifact 2 - Front End Analysis

Context and Conditions
This front-end analysis was completed in EDET 722- Instructional Design and Assessment in Fall 2021. I was still relatively new in the
graduate program, and this was the first time I’d completed a front-end analysis. I chose a problem that existed in my work group, which was a need to educate employees that had been hired to do training but had no prior experience in education or training in a work setting. The problem was due to employee turnover and department growth. The loss control team had six employees who had a gap in knowledge and/or skill in planning and facilitating training. So, the learning goals of the instruction were:
1. Demonstrate ability to identify learning goals and quality learning objectives.
2. Give examples how to motivate learners through instruction.
3. Understand the importance of training course evaluation to measure the success of the instruction.
I looked at this chosen topic as “instruction in how to be a trainer”.

Scope: This was for my company because I had noticed the gap in knowledge that existed with my work team. This front-end analysis was part of a larger plan. I did eventually design and develop a prototype that was based on this front-end analysis that can also be viewed in this portfolio.

This was an individual effort and while I was the instructional designer, I also acted as a subject matter expert since I was aware of the needs and challenges.

Instructional Design
In this assignment, I completed a needs assessment to explore the instructional problem and determine if instruction was the needed solution. This required a needs assessment survey to gain a better understanding of the target audience and their current level of previous experience in training. As noted in the design model noted in the text, I analyzed the learner and the context of the learning, completed the task analysis, developed the learning objectives, designed the instruction, and assessment instruments (Morrison et al., 2013). The goals of the instruction were to improve the knowledge and skills of the audience to be better trainers.

Related Performance Indicator
This assignment reflects elements of AECT Standard 1. I was able to use what I already knew to manage this project. I was able to create a thorough report outlining my findings, recommendations, and educational design. This final output was a neatly organized typed document. Also, during the needs assessment, I was able to demonstrate my ability to assess and evaluate materials and noted additional items that needed consideration, not directly related to the intervention at hand.

Looking back, this was a great learning experience because this course required the developed prototype after the front end analysis. This course served as an introduction to the instructional design model and I completed the project based on reading the text, Designing Effective Instruction (Morrison et al., 2013) and reviewing previous student examples. At this point, it felt as though I was filling in the blanks, not fully understanding each step of the design process. As a learner, I think it was necessary for me to have practical experience with both the analysis, design, and development of the module. Durng the analysis phase, I learned that a quality instructional design can be created but only after the learning audiece is analyzed and considered during the design. As an instructional designer, you must know the characteristics of the learners, in order to design the best instruction. This project also helped me understand the potential challenges of a developer if the design document does not include clearly defined strategies and assessment activities. I previously worked in an environment where the designer and developer were two different people. If the design document does not clearly depict the design of the instruction, and clear documenation of the assessment items, then it could slow the development process down, or poor instruction is created due to gaps in the design. This artifact represents Standard 1 because the instructional materials were created using a variety of systems approaches. For example the instructional design model used was the Morrision, Ross, and Kemp Model (Morrision et al., 2013). When creating the objectives, I used Bloom's Taxonomy to identify the best sample verbs to create measureable learning objectives. I used multiple techologies , such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, using functions to create easy navigation to reduce cognitive load. In this project I assessed the learner and developed instruments to suvery particpants in order to evaluate what technologies were needed in the the design and development of the prototype. Also, I had to manage the project by setting expectations for those who participated in the survey and front end analysis. The prototype that was developed as the second part of this project is included in the portfolio.