Standard 5: Research
Candidates explore, evaluate, synthesize, and apply methods of inquiry to enhance learning and improve performance (pp. 4, 6-7).

  • Theoretical Foundations - Candidates demonstrate foundational knowledge of the contribution of research to the past and current theory of educational communications and technology. (p. 242)
  • Method - Candidates apply research methodologies to solve problems and enhance practice. (p. 243)
  • Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates apply formal inquiry strategies in assessing and evaluating processes and resources for learning and performance. (p. 203)
  • Ethics - Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures. (p. 296-7)

Artifact 1 - Research Based Lesson Plan

Context and Conditions
The research-based lesson plan was completed in EDET709-Applications of Learning Principles in Spring 2021.

This assignment was to create a lesson plan based on one of the Cognitivist or Constructivist instructional models covered in class. The project required a problem statement, target audience, identity of the instructional model, relationship of the model to the specific problem, statement of lesson plan objectives and details of the lesson plan and an assessment component. I based this researched lesson plan on the anchored instruction model.

This was an individual assignment. I was the instructional designer.

Instructional Design
This instruction is based on the Anchored instruction model. The Anchored Instruction Model was introduced by The Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt University in 1990, under the leadership of John Bransford. This approach “anchors” content, or a story that illustrates important problem-solving scenarios (CTGV, 1990). Anchored instruction promotes critical thinking by giving the learner real life scenarios, allowing the learner to practice in a learning environment that mimics real life situations.

Related Performance Indicator
The elements of this artifact are reflected in the AECT Standard 5 - Research: The development of the lesson plan required foundational knowledge related to educational technologies and involved research and evaluation of types of instructional strategies.

The lessons within the plan were to be delivered through online learning. It was divided into three units -- each had its own anchored instruction or video. Interestingly, as I reflect back on this course, the two main assignments were this lesson plan, as well as a research paper. In the research paper, I explored cognitive apprenticeship because I thought that would be the most relevant instructional model to fit most clients with which I work. But after learning about that model, I thought otherwise. In this research-based lesson plan, I pointed out that one could argue that cognitive apprenticeship would be the best model in a professional environment, but I opined that in many situations, the target audience of my instruction often work in silos and anchored instruction lends the ability to re-watch the instruction if needed to seek clarity on concepts that need extra attention. While this was early in this program, I am proud of the abilities I demonstrated in this assignment and I my thoughts on this topic have evolved even more since this lesson plan. I felt that I experienced growth after revisiting an assignment from earlier in this class in which we worked as a group to produce a video exploring the big three theorys of learning: Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism.

Artifact 2 - Research Paper

Context and Conditions
This paper was drafted as an assignment in EDET709 Application of Learning Principles in Spring 2021. This was the first semester of the graduate program.

This research paper explored cognitive apprentice ship in virtual learning. I chose this topic, because of its relevance in my work. This was a standalone assignment.

I worked as an individual on this research paper.

Assignment Requirements
In this assignment, I was to compose a 10 page research paper, adhering to the APA format. The research paper cited at least 15 peer reviewed journal articles.

Related Performance Indicator
This artifact reflects elements of AECT Standard 5 – Research. This topic demonstrates evidence of theoretical foundations. The theory of cognitive apprenticeship was researched. Specific studies were reviewed and evaluated. Ethical standards were adhered to by using an acceptable format.

During this project, I remember wishing that I’d chosen a different topic because after truly understanding cognitive apprenticeship, I realized that it really didn’t apply in my current work setting, as I had originally thought. I mentor and support individuals that I don't work beside everyday, I support them via phone or through virtual learning most of the time. I now see cognitive apprenticeship as learning model that the learner (or employee) is a part of everyday in order to experience modeling, scaffolding, fading and coaching (Collins et al., 1987). The employees that need training, mentoring, and support often work alone and wear multiple hats with many responsibilties as municipal employees. The project did give me great ideas in how to mentor and provide guidance to employees in a virtual environment. For example, to foster an environment for scaffolding virtually, have a routine blog and post regularly on relevant concepts that include the through processes behind the content. Then allow learners (employees) to comment and building on the ongoing exchange of thoughts and ideas. The artifact reflects initial understanding and I feel as though I’ve grown considerably since drafting this research paper.